The spring season may have ended on a disappointing note with a 4 -3 loss but you wouldn’t have known it by the faces and attitudes of the Twice As Strong hockey players, coaches and parents on Saturday, June 27, 2015.

The Strong were handed a heartbreaking loss by a very talented and solid Haverhill club in the waning seconds of the third period during the play-offs for the Valley Hockey League. Although the score board did not reflect what our dedicated players and coaches had strived for; we realized much more in the way of accomplishment as the boys obtained overall team success, growth and friendships that united a first year
Thank You Team Strong!
"Every week this team took another giant leap in making progress and having fun."
team. The Haverhill Storm may have earned the win but our boys came away with a successful season and much more.
Entering this year, we were extremely optimistic, hopeful and confident that our players would respond to the expectations and demands required to play in this league. In addition we were looking for players that wanted to learn, develop and be very competitive as we moved through the schedule. Achieving our hockey goals were certainly a priority but we quickly determined that we had a special bunch of kids who encouraged the staff with their positive approach and commitment to each other at every practice and game.
As we embarked on this journey, it was very obvious, that the players were a team joining together for the first time. Clearly there is unfamiliarity, uncertainty and unawareness of the expectations that first year teams experience. The Twice As Strong Hockey team didn’t encounter these types of problems and issues because the team quickly developed and provided their coaches, parents, fans and each other with much more than just showing up to see who could score goals or register points. Our team rapidly focused on team concept, sacrifice and belief in themselves as well as each other and glided their way into the play-offs where they had a very strong showing.
We had a good mix of kids from the Boston area, many of whom were not known to each other, yet, they far exceeded what the coaches could have hoped for. The team consisted of nineteen talented kids, ages, ten, eleven and twelve who demonstrated grit, tenacity, skill and a willingness to support each other. Every week this team took another giant leap in making progress and having fun.
The initial goal from the onset was to ensure our players, first and foremost, always had fun. The second idea was to promote good sportsmanship, encourage learning of the game, develop and further their individual skills and to ensure a positive and healthy environment and experience every time the boys laced up their skates.

The fifteen stars on the team logo represent April 13, 2015-
We want to take this opportunity to recognize and applaud the 2015 “Twice As Strong Hockey Team’ for their success, entertainment and enjoyable season.
A special thank you is in order for coaches Bill Keefe and Dave O’Brien for all your professional insight, commitment and hard work.
Twice As Strong Hockey-