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Home of the 2019 Strong

Updated: Nov 3, 2019


The Twice As Strong spring hockey season came to a disappointing end this past Sunday, June 23, 2019. Not because of the two heartbreaking loses in the championship games and the one lose in the semi-final game. No, it is because our time together for this year is over and that’s discouraging.

2019 U14 Team Strong - June 23rd Championship Game

We were represented well and had two out of our three teams advance to the championship games on Sunday and our third team lost in a tough semi-final game the Saturday before. But we believe it could have ended up very differently if not for a couple of bad hockey bounces. The good news, we had two teams play extremely well in both championship games, had our opportunities but we just couldn’t overcome the strong play of our opponents. That’s how it goes in hockey sometimes and unfortunately, we couldn’t pull out the victories but the loses shouldn’t overshadow the outstanding efforts and play of our kids, not only in the championship series, but all season long.

The Magic of "Sweat" Sore Today, STRONG Tomorrow

We would like to express our deepest appreciation and extend our earnest thank you to all the players, coaches and assistants for their outstanding performance this year. We are extremely proud of our players and we recognize and thank them once again for their unwavering commitment and persistent hard work. We may have not have gotten the championship title this year but we definitely have the character and for this, we are a winning program.

2019 U18 Team (white) Strong - Championship Game

A special acknowledgement is required to all our coaches, assistants and folks who provided the professional leadership and direction to our players. And we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our dedicated parents and families for your loyalty and sacrifices throughout the season. It takes a combination of many factors to build a winning and successful team, and we believe we have the players, the coaches, support staff and fans to continue to excel and succeed at this level.

2019 U18 Team (blue) Strong - Championship Game

Thank you all for a special season and we wish you a happy, safe and fun summer……..

Warmest Regards, Michael-

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